March 1, 2025
Cross Timbers Trail Run
Race Information
Packet Pickup, Finisher Items, Aid Stations, Drop Bags, Spectators, Crew, Pacers, Cutoffs, Medical.
Packet Pickup
Race morning packet pickup can be done quickly and easily before your race start. Get your packet, take it back to your car, put on your bib, and get ready to race! You can pick up as early as 7:45 am both days.
What am I picking up? The following things:
Your bib - Write medical concerns we should know about on the back as well as emergency contact numbers.
Safety pins - Pin your bib wherever you want as long as it's on the front of you AND my volunteers can clearly read it at each aid station.
Your entrant shirt - You can swap sizes after your race if we aren't sold out.

Finisher Items
All finishers receive a beautiful, wooden laser-engraved medal!
Aid Stations
For each distance, below are the aid station details. See the Cutoffs section above for aid station cutoff details.
Cedar Bayou - approx 2.5 miles
Stairway to Heaven - approx. 6.5 miles (turnaround for the half marathon)
Rock Creek Resort - approx. 9.5 miles
Paw Paw Point - approx. 13 miles
*Aid Station details subject to change.
You are expected to carry a hydration solution that will allow you to do a full loop (whether that’s 5 miles or 10.5 miles for your race distance). Water will be served at all of the aid stations.
Other Beverages: Multiple brands of soda as well as pickle juice to drink!
Electrolyte Drink: The electrolyte drink on the course will be Tailwind Nutrition.
Most of the usuals at a minimum. Cookies, candy, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, pretzels, and more. Energy gels are such an individual item that we will not be providing - bring your own favorite if you want to use these as fuel.
Medical Supplies:
Aid stations will not provide Advil, Aspirin, Motrin, or any other pain relievers.
Aid stations will not have blister kits. If you are concerned about blisters, carry what you will need in your pack or make sure it's in the drop bag at each location you might need to use it.
Check-In and Check-Out:
At every aid station, participants are expected to check in and out. If you are bib 482, when you arrive, yell "482 IN." When you leave, you or your pacer (for 100 milers) should yell "482 OUT" and check that someone is recording. This keeps our records accurate.
Dropping Out:
If you decide to drop out of the race, you must please let the aid station captain know and make sure they note it on their clipboard. We don't want you to leave with your crew and then we're calling you or your emergency contact a couple hours later looking for you, or searching the expanse of the trail system for you!
Volunteers will work to monitor every participant's ingress to and egress from the aid stations. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone whose times between any check-in or check-out do not grossly align with the paces expected based on their moving times the rest of the race and their racing history.

Drop Bags
Drop bags will be allowed at Paw Paw Point (Mile 13) for the marathon and 50K. Drop bags have to be dropped off by 9:30 am Saturday morning to be available beginning at 10:00 am over at the Paw Paw Point Aid station. Bags will not be covered and will be exposed to the elements so plan accordingly.
Remember our aid stations do not have blister kits, so pack one anywhere you will need it. Pack anything you require to fuel your body during the event.
Size of drop bags: Just exercise reason for the ones we have to transport to Paw Paw Point. Thanks.
Friends and family may only spectate at the start/finish line at Juniper Point.
Crews for the 50K may only access their runners within 200 yards of the aid station at the end of each loop. Crewing a participant outside that area may result in disqualification.
There are no pacers allowed at this event, as the longest distance is the 50K.

There will be no FINAL cutoff time (within reasonable limits - read on).
There are incremental cutoffs ONLY. You must make each of these cutoffs in order to continue in the race.
11:00 am - Marathoners and 50Kers must leave Rock Creek outbound (mile 10) by this time to continue
12:00 pm - Marathoners and 50Kers must leave Paw Paw Point (mile 13) by this time to continue
1:15 pm - Marathoners and 50Kers must leave Rock Creek inbound (mile 16) by this time to continue
2:15 pm - Marathoners and 50Kers must leave Stairway to Heaven inbound (mile 19.5) by this time to continue
3:15 pm - Marathoners and 50Kers must leave Cedar Bayou inbound (mile 23.5) by this time to continue
4:15 pm - 50Kers must leave Juniper Point (where the start/finish is) to do their last 5 mile out-and-back (so at mile 26) by this time to continue
5:00 pm - ALL DISTANCES must leave Cedar Bayou inbound (mile 28.5 for 50K) by this time to continue - last incremental cutoff
These cutoffs represent the time you must be OUT of the aid station by. If a participant chooses to leave an aid station and return to the race course after the time cutoff or after being told by aid station volunteers that they are being pulled from the race, the participant is instantly disqualified and may be banned from future races.
If you leave an aid station before the cutoff but then backtrack and return to that same aid station after the cutoff, you will be pulled from the race.
If you can make the last incremental cutoff and these conditions, we will wait for you with your medal at the finish, however long you take to make the final 2.5 mile journey, within reasonable limits (up to 1.5 hours for that final stretch).
Each runner is responsible for their own actions. You need to be prepared both physically and mentally for all of the various stresses of the race. Our hope is to not have to call 911 for any of you. But in the event we have to in a medical emergency, medical expenses incurred are the responsibility of the participants receiving medical attention. Some parts of this trail are very remote to road access, and there may be a substantial amount of time that passes before medical personnel can arrive to provide aid.
Runners must understand all risks associated with undertaking this event. These physical and mental stresses include, but are not limited to, dehydration, hyponatremia, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, renal failure, seizures, hypoglycemia, disorientation, falls resulting in physical injury, complete physical and mental exhaustion, etc. Every participant is expected to monitor his or herself continually with an understanding of their own personal limitations. YOU, the individual participant, are absolutely responsible for your well being during and after the race.