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Monkey Butt Mayhem


About The Race

The famous Monkey Butt Hill is a steep hill with 100 feet of climbing in only 1/10 of a mile (20% grade) and is located only a tenth of a mile from the Juniper Point West trailhead on the Cross Timbers Hiking Trail. The hill allegedly got its name many years ago when a boy scout troop was out hiking the trail along the shoreline and after a long hike, as they were getting close to the trail, there was only the one big hill left to climb. One of the boy scouts exclaimed, "I would rather kiss a monkey's butt than climb that hill!"

This event originated from a 2021 fun spin we did on our annual Cross Timbers Trail Run! And that spin came up because back in 2017, the Race Director was training for a race but wouldn't have time for a long run the weekend of producing Cross Timbers. In response, her coach told her to go run the hill at the start of the Cross Timbers race course 10 times throughout the race day. Each loop was only a 1/3 of a mile and would take her away for only a couple minutes each time. BUT the famous Monkey Butt Hill was on the loop which is a tenth of a mile and 100 feet of climbing (20% grade hill). The Race Director declared the goal beforehand on social media, and participants all day were checking on how many loops she had completed to keep her accountable. At the end of the day, between working all day plus the loops, it was a great workout. 1,000 feet of gain in a 5K? Awesome!


For this event, we offer two timed options of hill repeats on Monkey Butt Hill: 3 hours and 6 hours. The course record for the 6 Hour event is 73 repeats (by Markdavid Basco). That's 24 miles and 7,300 feet of elevation gain! For those wanting less hills, we offer a 5-mile out-and-back route on single track trail along the shore of Lake Texoma. Beautiful and challenging, and you see more of the trails than the hill repeat course.


Enjoy a day amongst your fellow members of the trail community! With the opportunity to have a crewing setup you see every 1/3-mile, you can try out different things and have everything you need right there, and your family can spectate and enjoy being setup just 100 feet from the water's edge.

Your Racing Options: Choose 3 or 6 Hours of Monkey Butt – Monkey Butt Hill is a short, incredibly steep hill of just about 0.1 miles long BUT climbs 100 feet and has roots and boulders to maneuver in that climb. It’s part of a 1/3 mile loop from our start line. So the race will be a timed format of how many loops can you get done in the time of either 3 Hours or 6 Hours. The race will be run going counter-clockwise which means you will only be going UP Monkey Butt Hill and then the descent of 100 feet is much more gradual and less technicality.

More Than Bragging Rights: We're working on items you'll be able to earn as you accumulate more vertical gain as you complete more loops of the hill. More details soon!

Participant Limit: 80 People -- REGISTER EARLY TO SECURE A SPOT!!! Register here

Those who register earliest get their name or a chosen nickname printed on their bib, they get the lowest entry fees, and they get to request their favorite number for their race number!

Schedule: SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2025

  • 7:00 am – Packet Pickup Begins.

  • 8:00 am – All Races Start.

  • 11:00 am – 3 Hour Race Ends. Any loops completed after this time will not count.

  • 2:00 pm – 6 Hour Race Ends. Any loops completed after this time will not count.

Location, Parking, and Directions:

The race takes place at Juniper Point West Campground on the Texas side of Lake Texoma. With rolling hills, the trails offer up some pretty views of the wooded areas on the shore of the lake and also of the lake itself.

We are here by permission from the Army Corps of Engineers, so please, no littering and no smoking at any time on the premises.

For GPS, use the address 32843 U.S. 377, Gordonville, TX 76245 to map to get to the parking area.

Course: The course will be well-marked with pink ground and tree flagging and arrow signs at major turns. Do not cross caution tape which is used to prevent you from going off course. There will be no typical aid stations provided by the race along the route. 5 Milers are recommended to carry water on them. The 3 Hour and 6 Hour format can setup a crew area at the start/finish area with a chair, pop-up tent, supplies, food, beverages, and ice in a cooler – all accessible every 1/3 of a mile.

Cookie-Only Aid Station!!! For those in the 3 Hour and 6 Hour, we will have a COOKIE aid station available for you each time you come through the loop. We will stock many different types of cookies!!

TREKKING POLES ARE ALLOWED. Of course, with the disclaimer that if you are found to be purposely or inadvertently smacking people with them or using them to block people from passing you, you'll be disqualified. I'm sure I won't have to ever disqualify someone, but if I don't say it, that will be the time it happens!

If you find you inadvertently go off course or take a wrong turn, you must return to where you left the course before continuing. If you cut a loop short and realize it, immediately notify volunteers to go find the race officials so a determination can be made as to how to help you complete the full distance.

Those not following the course will risk disqualification.

Entrant Item: All entrants will receive an entrant item in their packet.

Bibs: Custom race bib with your name on it if registered by March 25. Remember that at all our trail races, we allow you to request your 3 favorite bib numbers, and we’ll try to give you one of your requested numbers! The Race Director actuals reviews those requests in the order people register in and manually assigns bib numbers - a personal touch that we think adds to the race (and one you can find at all The Active Joe trail races).


For 3 hour and 6 hour participants, only completed laps before the end of the race time will be counted. If award-eligible participants finish the same number of loops, then the first to finish that last loop will be the winner.

In each distance:

  • 1st place overall male / female / non-binary * (Non-Binary entrants after April 1 will have any podium awards they earn mailed to them after the race)

  • First place male and female in the following age groups: 00-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-99. We may go deeper if we have lots of signups!

* See The Active Joe Non-binary Athlete Entrant Policy for more information.

There is no prize money.

Every finisher receives a gorgeous finisher medal.

Packet Pickup

Race morning packet pickup can be done quickly and easily before your race start. 

What am I picking up? The following things:

  • Your bib  - Write medical concerns we should know about on the back as well as emergency contact numbers.

  • Safety pins - Pin your bib wherever you want as long as it's on the front of you AND my volunteers can clearly read it at each aid station.

  • Your entrant item. 

Medical: Each runner is responsible for their own actions. You need to be prepared both physically and mentally for all of the various stresses of the race. Our hope is to not have to call 911 for any of you. But in the event we have to in a medical emergency, medical expenses incurred are the responsibility of the participants receiving medical attention. Some parts of this trail are very remote to road access, and there may be a substantial amount of time that passes before medical personnel can arrive to provide aid.

Runners must understand all risks associated with undertaking this event. These physical and mental stresses include, but are not limited to, dehydration, hyponatremia, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, renal failure, seizures, hypoglycemia, disorientation, falls resulting in physical injury, complete physical and mental exhaustion, etc. Every participant is expected to monitor his or herself continually with an understanding of their own personal limitations. YOU, the individual participant, are absolutely responsible for your well being during and after the race.


Environment & Travel

Weather: Average low temperature is 65. Average high temperature is 84. But it’s Texas so the weather is known for being unpredictable. It is our second wettest month of the year, but we will not cancel the race for regular rainy weather (different story for extreme weather).

Sunrise: 6:36 am. 

If we find you littering, you're disqualified. We are here by the permission of the Army Corps of Engineers, and we want them to invite us to come back. Don't jeopardize that for everyone. If you get all the way out of the aid station with a gel wrapper, paper cup, or anything else, carry it with you to the next aid station.

Accommodations - Hotel


Accommodations - Camping

The Juniper Point (west) campground has 12 spots but are first-come, first-served.

38 sites are available in the C section of Buncombe Campground just 3 miles away from the start/finish. They will all be first-come, first-served, and will be $12 per night. No attendant will be on duty to take money, so use the honor vault station at the entry kiosk to pay for your spot. Information on the Bumcombe Campground is here...


Air/Ground Transportation

A car will be needed to get around. There will be no shuttle service arranged, as we expect the vast majority of attendees to be locals or have rented a car for the trip from the airport.

Dallas, Texas is served by two area airports: Dallas-Love Field (DAL) is the smaller one where Southwest Airlines flies out of, and then all other airlines fly through Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW).

Environment & Travel

Registration & Policies

Registration opens February 3 at 8 pm CST! There are only 80 spots. Register here...

As with all The Active Joe races, bib numbers are assigned in order of signup, so the lowest numbers for those most enthusiastic who sign up first!

As with our other trail races, you are also given the chance to request your top 3 "lucky" bib numbers. If not already claimed, I'll give you the first one of those listed that I can!

Mail-in registration is not available.

Entry Fees

We understand that LIFE HAPPENS! Note that, unlike a lot of races, this race offers a refund policy (described below) and even refunds if you downgrade your distance (also described below). You may also go up in distance up until the start of the race (also described below). So there is no downside for committing to your goal now!

1st tier until we hit 20 total entrants, 2nd tier until we hit 50 entrants. Then the 3rd tier until race day or sell out!

3 Hour -

  • First entry fee tier - limited spots: $75

  • Second entry fee tier- limited spots: $85

  • RACE EVE / RACE DAY: $95

6 Hour -

  • First entry fee tier - limited spots: $90

  • Second entry fee tier - limited spots: $95 

  • RACE EVE / RACE DAY: $105

No registrations allowed on race day.

*All prices subject to change.

Refunds can be requested if you find your plans change.
Refunds are subject to a $15 Administration Fee until February 1st.

Then, refunds are subject to a $25 Administration Fee until March 1st.
Finally, refunds are subject to a $35 Administration Fee from April 1st until the end of May 7th.
No refunds will be processed after May 7th.

Want to transfer your race entry to a friend? Because there's a generous refund policy, no bib transfers are allowed.

Changing Distances Ahead of Time

If you want to switch distances before your race starts, email us if before May 7, or come find me at the race start/finish at packet pickup and runner check-in time pre-race, and we'll verify and document the change. 

Dropping Down Distances Mid-race

If you drop down midrace to a shorter distance than you initially signed up for, then you will not have an official finish in the shorter distance. Dropping midrace will result in a DNF (Did Not Finish). We all have bad days. It's okay. If you want to switch distances ahead of time, talk to us (or email us), we'll verify we have the swag and finisher gear to support it, and we'll approve it BEFORE your race starts.

Wait List

We will offer a wait list for those who didn't get in if the race sells out early. Depending on when you get pulled off the wait list if a spot opens up, your swag (like shirt and other stuff) options may be limited or you may not receive some of it. We do not overorder stuff.


  • See our Transgender Athlete Entrant Policy which applies to all races produced by The Active Joe and seeks to support, include, and protect the privacy of the transgender athletes who attend our races.

  • See our Non-Binary Athlete Entrant Policy which applies to all races produced by The Active Joe and seeks to create a supportive and inclusive environment for our non-binary athletes and addresses how those with a Non-binary gender will be handled in the registration and timing processes.

  • Dogs are allowed into the race on a case by case basis and only a limited number will be allowed. You must email to inquire about your animal.

  • No strollers are allowed on the race course for the safety of all.

  • Runners and walkers are both welcome, as long as you can finish by the time limit.

  • Entry fees are non-refundable, including in the case of inclement weather.

  • This is a private event, so unregistered participants are not allowed. "Banditting" (as this action is referred to) is frowned upon in the running community and unfair to the runners who paid for the opportunity to participate. Race entry fees go for a lot more than water on a course, medals at the finish line, and a shirt in your race packet. It also exposes an event to serious liability risk. It stresses race resources that were calibrated for the sold-out number of participants and therefore can put other participants', the paid participants, health or safety at risk. Those who bandit any portion of the race may be banned from future events by The Active Joe.

  • Note that it is never okay to allow someone else to use your bib without a proper bib transfer arranged with the Race Director. This can lead to serious liability and medical risks in the chance of emergency and jeopardize the future of the event for everyone.

  • Our primary goal is to provide a safe event for participants, volunteers, and the community alike. If something arises that threatens that safety, then a) the event will be altered as it is reasonably possible without stressing other resources, b) the events may be delayed during the morning, or c) the event may be canceled. The event can not be rescheduled for another date due to resource availability in the event of cancellation.

  • Event shirts not picked up at packet pickup or race day will not be mailed.

*All items above subject to potential significant change.

Registration & Policies
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