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Transgender Entrant Policy

The Active Joe adopted this policy 2/1/2019 to apply to any future events produced by the company. The majority of the wording came from the policy issued the same date by the Western States Endurance Run. The Active Joe has been a sponsor of WSER for the past 6 years and is proud to see they are really on the forefront of tackling these issues head on in a way that supports all athletes.


I am so appreciative for the hard work the WSER Board of Trustees, along with knowledgable members of the community, did in order for this policy to be researched, agreed upon, and then so well-worded for sharing. I thank them for their support of me mirroring their efforts so that transgender athletes feel included and supported.



To establish rules to encourage and facilitate the participation of transgender runners at The Active Joe races with the goal of ensuring fair and inclusive practices that respect the personal rights and dignity of transgender entrants while preserving the integrity of competition for awards and records based on sex.


General Rules

A male-to-female transgender entrant can register for the race as a female provided the runner has been undergoing continuous, medically supervised hormone treatment for gender transition for at least one year prior to the race. 

A female-to-male transgender entrant can register and compete as a male with no restrictions. The only exception is female-to-male transgender runners can no longer register to compete as a female if they have begun hormone treatment related to their gender transition that includes testosterone or any other banned substance.


Policy Enforcement

A runner’s self-declared gender at registration will be accepted at face value. The sole reason for this policy is to ensure fairness regarding competition for awards and records. Therefore, there shall be no basis for, or tolerance of, any challenge to a runner’s self-declared gender unless the following is at stake: a top 3 overall male or female position, or an age group win.


The Active Joe's owner shall have the sole authority to review any challenge regarding the gender status of a top 3 male/female winner or age group winner. Any such challenge must be made directly in person or writing to the Race Director with the utmost discretion and respect for the privacy of all parties involved. The Active Joe's owner has sole discretion in determining whether there is a legitimate basis for the challenge. Challenges that do not seek to respect the privacy of the involved parties will not be reviewed.


Gender Status Review

In the event of a challenge, The Active Joe may ask the runner for documentation from a medical doctor or healthcare provider or other qualified professional certifying that the entrant has undergone continuous, medically supervised hormone treatment for gender transition for at least one year prior to the race. Transgender entrants, at their option, may provide the medical documentation related to their gender transition to the Race Director prior to the race. All information about the runner’s gender identity and medical information, including any information provided pursuant to this policy, shall be kept strictly confidential.


The final decision regarding the entrant’s gender status shall be within the sole discretion of The Active Joe's owner. If it is determined that the runner is not in compliance with these rules for transgender entrants, the runner will be allowed to keep their finisher’s medal or buckle but any awards shall be returned to the race. The Active Joe will attempt to protect the runner’s privacy interests to the maximum extent possible.


Drug Testing Policy

None of The Active Joe's races currently include drug testing. Should that change, this section will be amended regarding banned substances taken in connection with the person’s medically supervised hormone treatment for gender transition.


Hate Speech

Any comment or statement, written or verbal, that marginalizes or denigrates an athlete based upon race, gender, gender identity, or sexuality and occurs on The Active Joe moderated Facebook pages or groups or at The Active Joe events will not be tolerated and may lead to a one year ban from any The Active Joe events.


Other Policies


  • Dropping Down Distances Mid-race: If you drop down mid-race to a shorter distance than you initially signed up for, then you will not have an official finish in the shorter distance. Dropping mid-race will result in a DNF (Did Not Finish). We all have bad days. It's okay. If you want to switch distances ahead of time, talk to us (or email us), we'll verify we have the swag and finisher gear to support it, and we'll approve it BEFORE your race starts.​​

  • We will offer a wait list for those who didn't get in if the race sells out early. Depending on when you get pulled off the wait list if a spot opens up, your swag (like shirt and other stuff) options may be limited or you may not receive some of it. We do not over-order stuff.

  • Dogs are allowed into the race on a case by case basis and only a limited number will be allowed. You must email to inquire about your animal.

  • No strollers are allowed on the race course for the safety of all.

  • Runners and walkers are both welcome, as long as you can finish by the time limit.

  • Entry fees are non-refundable, including in the case of inclement weather.

  • This is a private event, so unregistered participants are not allowed. "Banditting" (as this action is referred to) is frowned upon in the running community and unfair to the runners who paid for the opportunity to participate. Race entry fees go for a lot more than water on a course, medals at the finish line, and a shirt in your race packet. It also exposes an event to serious liability risk. It stresses race resources that were calibrated for the sold-out number of participants and therefore can put other participants', the paid participants, health or safety at risk. Those who bandit any portion of the race may be banned from future events by The Active Joe.

  • Note that it is never okay to allow someone else to use your bib without a proper bib transfer arranged with the Race Director. This can lead to serious liability and medical risks in the chance of emergency and jeopardize the future of the event for everyone.

  • Our primary goal is to provide a safe event for participants, volunteers, and the community alike. If something arises that threatens that safety, then a) the event will be altered as it is reasonably possible without stressing other resources, b) the events may be delayed during the morning, or c) the event may be canceled. The event can not be rescheduled for another date due to resource availability in the event of cancellation.

  • Event shirts not picked up at packet pickup or race day will not be mailed.

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